A Case of the Mondays


Dear diary, we had devotions about missions and your mission to serve others. Today we had the egg bake for breakfast, it included an egg, cheese, meat mix, and bacon.  We all packed our lunches and hopped in the vans to go to our worksites. When I got there Linda, my new buddy, invited us into her house to sit and talk for a while. She showed us her antler backscratchers and her really awesome feather fans. She told us all about her son who is in San Diego. Then we went outside and she had Camille rake the lawn and Maci spray the lawn with alcohol mouthwash. She had Lyndsey and Bri feed the fire with sticks and leaves. She had me, (Jackson Henry Busscher) and Alden (Lucas) shovel rocks into a sifter to get all the leaves out. She let us take a break about every 10 minutes to talk and learn about her life (oh boy oh boy oh boy!!!!) Then we had to wash the tarps and then put them back and spread the rocks back on top. Then we sat around the fire and talked for 45 minutes. Furthermore, she took us to her shed to show us all her antlers she has collected over the years. Then we went back inside to check out more of her antlers and she gave Bri a full set of Moose antlers. Then she gave us polar bear beads. After that we said our final goodbyes and we drove back to camp. Half way back we realized we left our tools there, so we turned around, grabbed our tools, and drove home. Then we had dinner which was spaghetti with garlic bread and salad. Then we all got ready for the big hike and hopped into the vans. We got to the Butte and started climbing. It was a very steep uphill climb for the first little bit and it was very dusty, but after the first little bit it got better. There were some big rocks we had to climb over but it was all worth it for the view of the mountains. We took a lot of pictures and enjoyed God’s creation. Once we were done taking pictures, we started our hike down. Once we were all down, we hopped in the vans and drove to Fred Meyer (a grocery store) we got some snacks and then we went back to camp and all took showers (individually). Goodbye and the end of my wonderful blast of a day. -Jackson Henry Busscher (the first) 



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